Fashion Film Festival Kyiv 2021 Program
The fourth Fashion Film Festival Kyiv is taking place in Ukraine.
The organizers of the Festival are FILM.UA and Ukrainian Fashion Week.
Fashion Film Festival Kyiv 2021 is supported by the State Agency of Ukraine for Movie.
In 2020, Fashion Film Festival Kyiv was for the first time held online. The results of the forced transition to this format exceeded all expectations:
– 30 events in the FFFK Program;
– 124 submitted applications;
– 8 countries from which films were submitted to the competition program;
– 70,000 views of lectures;
– 100,000 views of winning films
This year, already in the status of an international platform for the development of the fashion films, the organizers expect growing interest in the Festival from both domestic designers and directors, and from the international community working in film production.
The transition to the online format last year also changed the content of the Fashion Film Festival Kyiv Program – it consists of educational, practical and competitive parts.
More and more fashion brands are considering the need to show their collections online as an opportunity to introduce the brand to as large an audience as possible – and to create highly artistic emotional digital stories. Such products become a full-fledged component of fashion weeks and other events of the fashion season.
That is why the organizers of Fashion Film Festival Kyiv in 2021 initiated the creation of another nomination – Digital story.
The FFFK 2021 Program includes 4 lectures, 5 film screenings and a Shot On The Spot workshop.

The educational program includes a virtual lecture on the channel FILM.UA YouTube channel, which will begin on June 29 with a lecture of the program director of Fashion Film Festival Kyiv, a member of the jury of international fashion film festivals Petro Mamchych: “History of the development of fashion film festivals and current trends in the genre.”
Everyone will have the opportunity to write questions to the speakers in advance under a post on the Instagram festival @fffkyiv.
The competition program includes a screening of the out-of-competition Fashion Film Festival Kyiv 2021 program , screenings of finalists of the Film Film Festival Kyiv 2021 and the program “Festival Premieres”.
The practical part of the FFFK 2021 program will be a workshop “Shot On The Spot”. A master class and a Q&A session are planned as part of the workshop. And most importantly – a shooting day at the Ukrainian Fashion Week, during which participants are completely immersed in the atmosphere of a professional fashion event. Beginner directors will have a unique opportunity to shoot, edit and present short fashion videos to the audience under the guidance of professional tutors, using the resources of the festival organizers. More information and registration for the workshop will be announced in August on the official website of the festival http://www.fffkyiv.com.
The final event of the festival will be the Award Ceremony of the winners of the Fashion Film Festival Kyiv 2021, which will take place on September 3. You can watch the online broadcast of the Ceremony on the FILM.UA YouTube channel and on the festival website http://www.fffkyiv.com.
During the Ceremony, prizes will be awarded in such nominations as Best fashion film (prize fund – UAH 30,000), Best fashion story (prize fund – UAH 10,000), Best production (prize fund – UAH 10,000), Digital story (prize fund – UAH 10,000).
The team of the Fashion Film Festival Kyiv 2021 project:
Petro Mamcic is the program director
Kateryna Kokhanovska is a producer
Oksana Shubina is the head of the press service
Alina Sorokina is a designer
You can apply for participation and learn more about the terms of the competition on the festival website: http://www.fffkyiv.com. Acceptance of competitive works lasts until July 21, 2021.