Ukrainian Fashion Week

Ukrainian Fashion Week noseason sept 2021

Ukrainian Fashion Week noseason sept 2021

42 events of the official program, 95 designers and brands – Ukrainian Fashion Week noseason sept 2021 took place in Ukraine from 2nd to 5th September.

 Fashion is very sensitive to any changes in the socio-political area of the country and the world.  UFW, as one of the key professional events of creative Ukraine, naturally changes and adapts under the influence of external circumstances.  Changes in formats, deadlines and projects follow the main mission of Ukrainian Fashion Week – to develop and support Ukrainian designers, give them the opportunity to be loud and strong and not only in times of crisis but also in times of rapid development of the industry.

 The 49th season of UFW was no exception and also was held in a format with a lot of experiments starting from organization to communication with the world.  The easing of quarantine restrictions gave the opportunity to return international guests, the press, designers` guests and fashion insiders to the podium of the Fashion Week.  But the main points that demonstrated Ukrainian Fashion Week noseason sept 2021 are stability, sustainability, consistency and flexibility. These fashion industry features will always give preference to representatives of the area in the changing present and unpredictable future times.

 In just 4 days of Fashion Week, there were more than 100,000 viewers from 62 countries, including the USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Japan and other countries, that joined the online viewing of Ukrainian Fashion Week, which was broadcasted by MEGOGO media service.  The videos will be available for viewing until February 2022 in the “TV Series” section.

#Mediapartners of the Ukrainian Fashion Week noseason sept 2021:

VOGUE Ukraine – professional partner – media partner

NV – informational partner

Т – Internet-partner

#Partners of the Ukrainian Fashion Week noseason sept 2021:

IQOS – official partner

LOVARE – official partner

BIOSPHERE Corporation – official partner

SAMSUNG – official partner

ABSOLUTE yachts in Ukraine – official partner

BMW Ukraine – partner

GILDEHAUS – partner


MEGOGO – official partner

RIVIERA HOUSE – official hotel

BRAUN – partner

Johnnie Walker – partner

LoraShen – partner

Latinium – partner

Kronenbourg 1664 – partner

Millennium – partner of the Ukrainian Fashion Week translation on MEGOGO media service 

Sito-Pyano – partner

Zinteco – technical partner