VIKTORANISIMOV created a ceremonial uniform for the Ukrainian Paralympic team
The VIKTORANISIMOV brand team created the ceremonial uniforms for the Ukrainian National Paralympic Team, which were worn by the athletes during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paralympic Games. The ceremony took place in Paris on August 28, and the Games will run until September 8.

The set of Paralympic ceremonial uniforms by VIKTORANISIMOV consists of sweatpants, a white oversized T-shirt, an oversized colored T-shirt with the dates of the games, a ceremonial jacket with functional pockets, and a blue Panama hat. The designer and his team have carefully crafted the items to provide maximum comfort and functionality, taking into account the special needs of Paralympic athletes.

The main design of this set is based on a smooth transition of colors, a gradient from bright yellow to blue through rich green. The green color has a deep symbolic meaning: it is a combination of the blue and yellow colors of the Ukrainian flag. In peacetime, these colors represent an endless field and a clear sky. Still, in times of trouble, their mixture is the color of the Ukrainian army, symbolizing the strength, courage, and unity of our nation.

The work on the Paralympic uniforms was another step towards the realization of designer Viktor Anisimov’s long-standing plan to establish a Ukrainian sportswear brand, which is scheduled to be launched next winter.